Out with the Old, In with the New (Desk)
I have had a long history with desks and computer in my short lifetime and this history began in 1998 with my first computer and first desk. In my college and young career life, I went through a few computers and I purchased and assembled a desk that at the time was...
TV Rewind Extra – Unboxing New Podcasting Equipment
Over the last two years, I have been a dedicated podcaster recording on the cheap with the equipment on hand. For the first year (when I had a permanent co-host) I used a USB headset by Logitech. This was not a greatest sound quality but it was what I had to work with...
TV Rewind Extra – Unboxing the MacBook Pro
Dear Listeners, Last week I received a long awaited package from dear friend and listener Anne. I've had many weeks to anticipate this delivery and now that is finally here I am delighted. This computer still needs a lot of work to get it going to the point where I...
Top 5 Dramas of 2011
We are well into January of 2012 and I am finally getting around to posting the last of the top lists of last year. There were several dramas that were good last year, but most of them were new shows. There are five returning shows that deserve our attention. 1....
Top 5 Comedies of 2011
Comedies were a dominating force this year. Not all of them were great (and properly were canceled), but many of them were excellent. A few are new shows and some have been around for a few years and getting better every year. This is just my opinion and only includes...
Top 5 New Shows of 2011
Each Fall brings us many, many new shows and usually there are few standouts in the lineup, but in 2011 there were many that were very solid and worth continuing to watch. Since I am a TV podcaster I am obligated to at least see the first episode and share my...
Episode 44 Finally Released Properly
I've been immersing myself in a lot of website design and podcasting tutorials lately to really understand what I'm doing. A few weeks ago I attended a few webinar by my friend Cliff Ravenscraft. Cliff went step-by-step through the process of podcasting from beginning...
We're Official Now!
Hello everyone and welcome to our new home on the web! We have been living for over a year now at Libsyn, but I figured it was time to own a home on the web. From now on, our episodes and show notes will be posted here. As time allows, I'll repost older episodes here...