TV Rewind Extra – Unboxing the MacBook Pro
Dear Listeners,
Last week I received a long awaited package from dear friend and listener Anne. I've had many weeks to anticipate this delivery and now that is finally here I am delighted. This computer still needs a lot of work to get it going to the point where I can produce a podcast on it, so I am unsure if I can even get a show out this week.
Therefore, I am posting this video that I recorded on Thursday. Enjoy it and I hope it ties you over before I can actually make this computer work for the show.
The computer's name is MBP. I would like all those letters to stand for something (besides MacBook Pro) so I would love your suggestions for female names from the Bible or saints. She's a Catholic girl! 🙂
I tried to post the file to the feed, but it's too big and it would have maxed out my Libsyn space. Enjoy the video here! 🙂