Episode 44 Finally Released Properly
I've been immersing myself in a lot of website design and podcasting tutorials lately to really understand what I'm doing. A few weeks ago I attended a few webinar by my friend Cliff Ravenscraft. Cliff went step-by-step through the process of podcasting from beginning to end and was extremely thorough. He originally intended for this to be a digital product that people would purchase. Instead, he's decided to make this available for free. You can find it at here. It is well worth it.
Using the information I learned from that, I produced my very first solo episode for this podcast. Editing out all my coughs and such took a while since my recorder does not have a pause option, but eventually I was good to go to upload it. Cliff said to upload it to Libsyn as a “file for download only” and then to paste that link on your website to be playable. Great. I did that with no problem. I did think that was weird because there's no option for adding notes or to change the title. But I did it anyway. After I uploaded it I was off to bed.
This morning I checked to see if it had uploaded to iTunes, but there was nothing there. Odd, I thought. Cliff produces so many episodes a week so he didn't give me bad advice, right? I heard back from a listener on Twitter that she didn't have a new episode and nothing was appearing on Libsyn or Feedburner either. So I contacted Libsyn to see if they knew what happened. About a half hour ago they responded and said that in order to syndicate it out it would have to “upload a podcast” not a file for download. So, I updated the file and added the notes there. I'm hoping this works.
I'm still questioning what the correct option is though. File for Download didn't make it work, so I'm really confused. I'm glad the episode finally got out, but I'd like to get this sorted out before the next episode gets messed up next week. Someone help me out please.