TV Rewind Extra – Unboxing New Podcasting Equipment
Over the last two years, I have been a dedicated podcaster recording on the cheap with the equipment on hand. For the first year (when I had a permanent co-host) I used a USB headset by Logitech. This was not a greatest sound quality but it was what I had to work with for the first year of the show.
In October of 2011, I finally upgraded to iPhone and started using the app iTalk to record and used the Apple headphones with microphone. I have told that the show sounds “very professional” despite the equipment I've been using.
Over the last several months, I have been able to consolidate my student loans (yippee!) and have cut down other expenses so I have finally been able to save for actual good equipment. I prepared myself by buying and then viewing Cliff Ravenscraft's equipment tutorial to take a deeper look at what he uses for his shows and how to set it up. This was very helpful and helped me better understand what I would need. After building an Amazon wish list and saving up enough money for it, I took the plunge and got it all in one fell swoop.
I got fast shipping because of my Prime membership and yesterday UPS delivered a nice big box of equipment. Once again, as I did when my MacBook Pro arrived, I recorded a video to share the experience.
Watch here:
or follow the direct link.